Isaac Simpson
The Carousel
BLOG/PODCASTI thought to myself, you know what the world really needs? More people sharing their opinions online! So I set out on a brave, stunning mission to do just that.
The Carousel is a Substack about modern propaganda. My observations are challenged by many, which I take as a huge compliment. I’ll let you decide for yourself.

VICE/LA Weekly
COLUMNISTAs a former masthead columnist for LA Weekly and freelancer for VICE, I told the complicated story of Los Angeles from many different angles.
I jumped off cliffs, climbed under bridges, and snuck into grave sites. I interviewed rappers (Chief Keef), councilmen (Jose Huizar), street artists (Plastic Jesus), real estate moguls (Jonathan Schley), models (Permaid), restauranteurs (Tyler Wells), and the Mayor of Skid Row (General Jeff).
Science Communication
TEACHEROn the side I teach science communication workshops at UC-San Diego, Xprize, and NASA. Trained at the Alan Alda School for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University, I help scientists tell their stories at competitions and investor meetings.

I’m Isaac.
Former attorney and VICE journalist, now a marketer and copywriter. I love helping brands and founders express their true selves. Not what they think they’re supposed to say, but why they’re really here.
Great brands, taglines, and ads aren’t just marketing, they’re culture. They forward the beliefs and personalities of their creators. They should be unapologetic, beautiful, and most of all real.
My strengths are brand identity, communications, strategic messaging, editorial and social content, and pitching.
Please get in touch via email at

Isaac Simpson 2022 — Los Angeles